Since partnering in 2020, AMH Material Handling and Geekplus have been jointly disrupting the supply chain in the UK, successfully providing the most innovative mobile robotics solutions to improve order fulfilment across the region. Geekplus commits to continually empowering AMH to offer advanced, resilient, and flexible robotics solutions. We work alongside Geekplus to design, implement and support solutions for our clients.
Geekplus stands at the forefront of mobile robotics technology worldwide, pioneering innovative solutions for order fulfillment. Trusted by over 1,000 leading industry players globally, their technology enables flexible, dependable, and exceptionally efficient warehouse and supply chain automation.
Geekplus picking robots, with their maximum load of 1200kg and their ability to reduce 50-70% of manual labour and increase picking accuracy to 99.99%, is the preferred choice for businesses looking to reduce costs and raise efficiency using automated warehouse robots.
Geekplus Tote-to-Person Solution can improve picking efficiency by 2 to 3 times on average and they are flexible in their implementation, allowing for the desired addition or removal of robots according to customer requirements; they require little to no modification to project site and boast a short ROI cycle.
Geekplus sorting robots are highly efficient, automated and flexible, achieving nearly 10 times the efficiency of traditional sorting systems; their multi-sensor safety obstacle avoidance features also ensure the safety of on-site implementation.
Working alongside Geekplus we provide customers with a professional software system deeply adapted to the industry with full coverage of Robot Management System, Warehouse Execution System, Warehouse Management System, Data Platform, simulation platform, algorithm library, and highly modular and flexible interface platform API and SDK. These robust systems make it easy for customers to use and integrate.
Geekplus Robot Management System (RMS) is a multi-agent scheduling and task management platform system. It supports both cloud and local deployment, simultaneously prepossessing path planning, traffic management, task allocation, capacity optimisation, safety emergency stops, and other tasks of large-scale mobile robot cluster, in real-time with high concurrency and reliability. Geekplus RMS provides APIs and SDKs with open standards making it easier for customers to develop and deploy business systems.
Geekplus Simulation Platform (SP) is a 1:1 simulation of real robot systems designed to help find the best plan and configuration before a project begins, validate the plan effectiveness and the algorithm, and further support on project evaluation and management, eventually creating reasonable ROI.
The Geekplus SP integrates the planning tools, map editing tools, simulation tools, robot models, and other modules. Geekplus SP then digitizes all of the attributes of the storage and production scenarios, and integrates the algorithm library.